This commit is contained in:
basicbonobo 2023-12-03 15:15:41 +01:00
parent 986f446b8c
commit 05faa24c49
1 changed files with 16 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -5,14 +5,26 @@ from useful import *
text = open(0).read()
w, h ='\n', text).start(), len(re.findall('\n', text))
symmap = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=bool)
gearmap = np.zeros((h, w))
geardict = defaultdict(lambda: [])
def numcount(map, match):
beg, end = ((c // (w+1), c % (w+1)) for c in (match.start(), match.end()))
return int( if any(map[beg[0],beg[1]:end[1]]) else 0
def symput(map, match):
y, x = (match.start() // (w+1), match.start() % (w+1))
map[y-1:y+2, x-1:x+2] = True
def gearnumcount(map, match):
beg, end = ((c // (w+1), c % (w+1)) for c in (match.start(), match.end()))
for c in map[beg[0],beg[1]:end[1]]:
if c:
return # assume each number touches just _one_ gear
_ = [symput(symmap, m) for m in re.finditer(r'[^\n0-9.]', text)]
def symput(map, match, val):
y, x = (match.start() // (w+1), match.start() % (w+1))
map[y-1:y+2, x-1:x+2] = val
_ = [symput(symmap, m, True) for m in re.finditer(r'[^\n0-9.]', text)]
_ = [symput(gearmap, m, i + 1) for i, m in enumerate(re.finditer(r'[*]', text))]
print(sum(numcount(symmap, m) for m in re.finditer(r'[1-9][0-9]*', text)))
_ = [gearnumcount(gearmap, m) for m in re.finditer(r'[1-9][0-9]*', text)]
print(sum(n[0] * n[1] for n in geardict.values() if len(n) == 2))