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2021-11-11 10:21:11 +02:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from functools import reduce
import re, sys
import math
import numpy as np
dirs = 'north west south east'.split() # for printing
monster = '''
# ## ## ###
# # # # # #
monster = monster.replace('\n', '')
monstermask = reduce(lambda a, b: a*2 + (b == '#'), (0, *list(monster)))
mw, mh = 20, 3
monsterbegone = np.array([c == ' ' for c in monster], dtype=int).reshape((mh, mw))
def pic2bits(pic):
pic = pic.reshape(-1)
return reduce(lambda a, b: a*2 + b, (0, *list(pic)))
def p(image):
for y in range(image.shape[0]):
for x in range(image.shape[1]):
def tile(p):
tile, as given to us
lines = p.strip().split('\n')
return (int(lines[0][5:-1]),
np.asarray([[x == '#' for x in l] for l in lines[1:]], dtype=int))
def edgeid(ar):
boolean 10-tuple -> int({0,1023})
return reduce(lambda a, b: a*2 + b, (0, *ar))
def edges(ar):
the four 10-tuples making up the edge of a tile
in ANTICLOCKWISE (i.e. unique) order
return (ar[0], ar[:,0][::-1], ar[9][::-1], ar[:,9])
def flippededgeid(id):
#print(int(f'{id:b}'[::-1], base=2))
return int(f'{id:b}'.zfill(10)[::-1], base=2)
def addedge(d, e, t):
put tile id t
in dictionary d
under the heading of edge e
(do this for the flipped edge too)
d[edgeid(e)] += [t, ]
def findpiece(cand, north=None, west=None, south=None, east=None):
if west:
cand = filter(lambda c:
c[2][1] == flippededgeid(west[2][3]) and
c[0] != west[0],
cand = None
return list(cand)
def findpieceat(cand, board, x, y):
N, W, S, E = board[y-1][x], board[y][x-1], board[y+1][x], board[y][x+1]
for i, d in enumerate((N, W, S, E)):
if d:
#print('d is %s of x=%s y=%s' % (dirs[i], x, y))
#print('d`s %sern edge is %s so c needs %s %s' % (dirs[(i+2)%4],
# d[2][(i+2)%4], flippededgeid(d[2][(i+2)%4]), dirs[i]))
cand = list(filter(lambda c:
c[2][i] == flippededgeid(d[2][(i+2)%4]) and
c[0] != d[0],
cand)) # convert to list immediately, for some reason
return list(cand)
def num_monsters(image):
tot = 0
for y in range(image.shape[0] - mh + 1):
for x in range(image.shape[1] - mw + 1):
if pic2bits(image[y:y+mh,x:x+mw]) & monstermask == monstermask:
tot += 1
return tot
fn = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else 'input%s' % 20
with open(fn) as f:
pgphs ='\n\n')
w = round(math.sqrt(len(pgphs))) # lol genericism
tiles = {k: v for k, v in [tile(p) for p in pgphs]}
part1dic = {k: [] for k in range(1024)} # {edge: tileid}
for id, t in tiles.items():
for edge in [*edges(t), *edges(t[::-1])]: # reg, flipped
addedge(part1dic, edge, id)
edge_by_id = {k: [] for k in range(10000)} # {tileid: edge (only one tile has edge)}
for k, v in filter(lambda a: len(a[1]) == 1, part1dic.items()):
iv = v[0]
edge_by_id[iv] += [k, ]
#print({k: v for k, v in filter(lambda a: len(a[1]) == 4, edge_by_id.items())})
print([k for k, v in filter(lambda a: len(a[1]) == 4, edge_by_id.items())]))
# continued in part 2
# make huge list containing the following:
# [tid, image, edges (4 of them), flip=False, k=0]
# for all 8 combos
pile = []
for id, t in tiles.items():
for k in range(4):
toy = np.rot90(t, k)
pile += [(id, toy, [edgeid(e) for e in edges(toy)], False, k), ]
# when doing both, flip first
toy = t[::-1]
toy = np.rot90(toy, k)
pile += [(id, toy, [edgeid(e) for e in edges(toy)], False, k), ]
print('pieces in pile:', len(pile))
# construct puzzle, store in grid similar to pile
# begin with a corner
rootid = list(filter(lambda a: len(a[1]) == 4, edge_by_id.items()))[0][0]
toy = tiles[rootid]
puzzle = np.empty((12, 12), dtype=object)
# rotate so that N and W are unique
for k in range(4):
N = edges(toy)[0]
W = edges(toy)[1]
if len(part1dic[edgeid(N)]) == 1 and len(part1dic[edgeid(W)]) == 1:
puzzle[0][0] = (rootid, toy, [edgeid(e) for e in edges(toy)], False, k)
toy = np.rot90(toy) # anticlockwise, naturally
puzzle = np.pad(puzzle, 1, mode='empty')
# find next pieces
for y in range(1, w+1):
for x in range(1, w+1):
if y + x == 2:
sys.stdout.write(str(puzzle[y][x][0]) + ' ')
match = findpieceat(pile, puzzle, x, y)
if len(match) != 1:
print('ACHTUNG: duplicate matches: %s' % len(match))
puzzle[y][x] = match[0]
sys.stdout.write(str(puzzle[y][x][0]) + ' ')
# stitch together full map
image = np.zeros((8*w, 8*w), dtype=int)
for (y, x), chunk in np.ndenumerate(puzzle[1:1+w,1:1+w]):
image[y*8:(y+1)*8,x*8:(x+1)*8] = chunk[1][1:9,1:9]
image = np.rot90(image, 2)
for pic in image, image[::-1]:
for rot in range(4):
if num_monsters(np.rot90(pic, rot)) > 0:
image = np.rot90(pic, rot)
for y in range(image.shape[0] - mh + 1):
for x in range(image.shape[1] - mw + 1):
if pic2bits(image[y:y+mh,x:x+mw]) & monstermask == monstermask:
image[y:y+mh,x:x+mw] &= monsterbegone